Voler Aerial Academy

Youth Aerial Level 1
with Emily

March 10 (Monday)
at 4:45 pm

Class length
60 minutes

This is a Youth Intermediate Level,  mixed-apparatus class, for students ages 7-12. Are they ready to take their skills to the next level? Building from the foundations from the Youth Intro to Aerial class. Students will learn more dynamic varieties of moves, tricks, and techniques with silks, lyra, and sling to enhance their skill sets for staying in the air longer and sequencing moves together.  

Pre-reqs expected to get the most out of this class... 

-Ability to invert at least from the ground (flip, egg roll, etc)
-Ability to pull up in the silks and hold 
-Russian and standard climb
-4 consecutive climbs in the silks
-Execute a controlled descent

-Double knee hang with no less than 90 degree angle for knee bend and no arch in back
-Comfortable inverting with double knees on the top bar
-One Arm hang, min 5 seconds
-Comfortable sitting on top of the hoop
-Ability to do a vine climb mount
-Mermaid pose
-Pull-over mount (I'd say at least get knees to chest)

Sling- pull-over mount


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